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May 2022
Luis Kuchenmüller traveled from Germany to commence his PhD in the Clark Lab! We look forward to welcoming Luis to Geelong and the Queenscliff Marine Station! Learn more about Luis' research by clicking on his name :)
March 2022
Beth Hoots arrived from chilly Idaho, USA, just in time to catch the end of the warm weather before we move into winter. We look forward to welcoming Beth to Geelong and the Queenscliff Marine Station! Learn more about Beth's research by clicking on her name :)
February 2020
Michael Skeeles commenced his PhD in the Clark Lab, all the way from South Africa! We look forward to welcoming Mike to Geelong and the Queenscliff Marine Station, and stringing together some great science throughout his PhD journey!
1st March - 30th June 2019
PhD student Francesc Rubio-Gracia is visiting the Clark Lab from the University of Girona, Spain. Cesc's research examines how physiological characteristics of fish can help determine their resilience to environmental challenges.
16th February - 4th March 2019
PhD student Peter Holder is visiting the Clark Lab from Carleton University, Canada. On this quick trip, Peter is investigating inter-individual differences in digestion-related metabolism (i.e., specific dynamic action) to understand the metabolic traits that govern the speed and efficiency of digestion in fish.
2nd January - 1st April 2019
Nearly-completed PhD student Michael Lawrence is visiting the Clark Lab from Carleton University, Canada. Mike's research aims to determine whether metabolic phenotype plays a role in the physiological and behavioural recovery of fish following exercise stress.
28th November 2018 - 3rd March 2019
Steve Beever was awarded an undergraduate Summer Scholarship to help with some projects in the Clark Lab. After getting plenty of plumbing experience while helping to set up the aquarium systems, Steve helped with projects on abalone nutrition and barramundi metabolism, both in the context of climate warming.
23rd-31st October 2018
Tim is off to the American Physiological Society's Intersociety Meeting for Comparative Physiology, taking place in New Orleans, USA. Tim is presenting a talk entitled 'Translating physiology to fitness using thermal performance curves'. Exciting conference program!
2nd October 2018
The Clark Lab has two PhD scholarships available right now, with another one becoming available later this year! Pass the info along to great candidates with an interest in eco-physiology. Keep an eye on this website and our Twitter feed!
1st October 2018
Hanna Scheuffele joined the Clark Lab at Deakin University, all the way from Germany! We look forward to welcoming Hanna to Geelong and the Queenscliff Marine Station - it is going to be an exciting and productive PhD journey!
2nd August 2018
Timothy Clark was awarded an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship! This fellowship will allow Tim to focus on research for the next 4 years, with the primary goal to determine the mechanisms that prevent fish from growing as large when living in warmer waters.
20th November 2017
Timothy Clark relocated to Deakin University, Geelong, Australia, after ~13 years away from his home state of Victoria! Deakin is committed to further bolstering their existing strengths in marine science, so there are some exciting times on the horizon!
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